Wednesday, August 04, 2004

i'm so proud of me

Today marked my third visit to the gym, second visit in a row. I don't know how I got so motivated, especially considering that my diet is also going fairly well (meaning that I am choosing not to investigate the nutritional pitfalls of po' man's food like ramen). I hate the gym. Every time I think about going, I get this really unpleasant feeling. Like everyone else there is just going to maintain their physical perfection, and looking down on a lesser being like me, who let things get away from him for WAY too long. Like I'm their cautionary tale, the fuel to their obsessive devotion to the workout gods.


In substantially lighter news, I got to take in Passions today. It was maybe even greater/worse than I remembered. Every once in a while on that horrible, horrible program you catch a one or two day run where everything that's going to actually happen in that month happens in one episode. Today was one of those days, but I wouldn't dream of boring anyone with those details.

What I WILL bore you with is the list of books that continue eluding me, in spite of my library-climbing:

Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin (okay, so I want to nurture my fantasy geek...SUE ME!)
Diary of Frida Kahlo by Carlos Fuentes (there are photos from the illustrated pages of her diary in the picturebook / slimmed down Frida history book that I'm reading...amazing. And she really was witty as fuck, I would love to get inside her head)
Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris (obviously, it's perma-checked out)
Of Love and Other Demons by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (because I crave more of his writing)
Wonder Boys by Michael Chabon

Bother! I hate to think that I would have to buy them (gasp!), especially consider my state of negative money.

Which brings me to...this just in, EBAY fucked the living shit out of me! Yay! I'm so fucking excited I could bite my tongue clean out of my goddamn mouth. FUCK FUCK FUCK, now not only do I have no goddamn money but I have negative fucking money. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay. I'm going to try and forget about this by drowning my sorrows in the brain-suffocating delight that IS Amish in the City. Yes, I watch it, okay!!!! Jesus. Enough with the judgement. OKAY! I also think Jonas (pronounced Yo-nas) is hot, because really, he IS a bad boy, and thinking Kevan is hot is fucking boring.


Blogger Sara Habein said...

I checked out Diary of Frida Khalo once, but never got a chance to read it before I had to take it back.

3:33 PM  

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