trying diligently to blog, be less boring
The most depressing thing about trying to write in this slice o'bollocks is watching myself struggle in any attempt to characterize the way my time is being spent. What are the salient thoughts creeping outward? 'Work sucks.' 'Drugs good.' 'Friends fun.' It is a fucking struggle to cast any character into the vacant imagery of my world right now.
That was more of an attempt to explain my lack of blogging than to e-pen any form of suicide note. Sunday was a day deliciously spent with friendtor Jenndaly, grabbing up the red cans at about three that afternoon and not letting go for the next six hours. I ran around with her to deliver a present to a kickball game and to say hello to complete strangers that gave us weedbrownies. HELLO indeed.
Something that does not really need announcing: I am experiencing a rather dizzying friendlove affair with this girl, causing me to say things like, 'If you were a gay man, I would have no reason to leave your house.'
Which is clearly an exaggeration.
Unless, in this already hypothetical universe, branches out to delivery care packages of cigs/booze/drugs. Then there would be trouble.
The following night, I stepped into her bar for a maybemeeting with friends that went to see Black Orpheus. Rather than seeing people I knew already, I rather stumbled into the acquaintance of an ex-N'awlins-ian who I knew the JD knew and who I was also able to piece together knew my forever famous N'awlins old flame, and pretty well at that. Since I ultimately measure myself and all others by his, um, yardstick of wit and charm, it was kind of dope to convince one of his friends that I was cool and worthy of merit. Which I actually do believe I am, but this is beside the point - last time I saw him, I was a tender 21, still gestating as the social dynamo you cybersee before you today.
I love Austin and New Orleans being connected that way. I get a taste of what I love about that place without having to live there. I will always visit - but I don't think I could really see myself living there. This is not an issue of hurricanes or even just obscene amounts of crime and crazy heat. I guess I want to be able to go there and have the same active appreciation for it. I don't want to have to be frustrated by it or whatevs-ed on it or what have you.
I would really just like it to be the weekend a little bit more, please.
ah hoo-rah.
blogging for me has been like pulling teeth as of late as well. yours are always so much more interesting. i feel i live a pretty sedate life doing the same things week after week...same bar on thursday, same alcohol drunk, same, same, same. creature of habit. so do more interesting things that i can read about. except going to europe, because then i might explode with jealousy.
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