Friday, August 06, 2004

i think these pics made my layout wonky, but it's worth the scrolling

Work? Alarmingly hectic, on this day of all days. The periodic gloom is casting lovely shadows over a world too ugly to be viewed in such direct light. The normally overcast feel of Seattle fits it. Abundant sunshine does not - it just shows all the cracks and potmarks with a little more uncomfortable clarity. I've been chasing after the little scraps of stories left for me to feed on - and they slide away, rather predictably, into insubstantiality. No wonder I've been dreading work these days! Ew. For the last two days, I've been swimming through uber-bureaucracy, hoping - just hoping - to find some shred of a story. Even though the 'concerned citizen' on the other side is unwilling to talk to me, which would make my life SO MUCH EASIER. Blast! He, apparently, was so burned by The Stranger (TWO YEARS AGO, mind you) that he is unwilling to talk to lil ole me, even though I could make his life a lot more comfortable and his cause so much more visible.

Yesterday, I slammed the phone down and loudly decried him as a flaming cockface, which seemed a little too fair in retrospect.

The story I've been working on this afternoon is also going nowhere with a quickness. I just have to sit back on my haunches and hope to get called back.

And blog. Natch.

THE GOOD NEWS, and it IS good, people! I emailed my family from Paris, with whom I resided some two and a half years ago. Sabrina, my faboo defacto mommy emailed me back today. Everyone sounds like they are having a blast. She is more than cool (dare I day happy?!) with having me crash at their maison. They were basically the BEST part of my long-past time in France, back when I was (gasp) still a teenager! Barely. 19. Technicality.

Anyway, I have to post pictures. Because they are so cute and I was so skinny. Though I look like a fucking child with my hair that length, which is why I sort of don't do it anymore. Anyway, check it out, yo!

Aren't they adorbs?! One of my favorite compliments (slash potential insult to Alexis, the tall teenage kid with dark hair who isn't me (hint: red sweater)) was that I Alexis and I looked like brothers. I loved the idea that I could look like I was a member of that family.

Sabrina is this total sweetheart / literary agent woman who has a heart of platinum (gold seems insufficient, cornily enough). She's the hot readheaded number. Bruno, the patriarch, is this alternately uber-serious and wildly comic guy. So fun. He's an amazing photographer: if you go to this link, you can see some of his work. But these pics, here? They're exclusive.

The kids look super-innocent. But I smoked weed with the 15 and 17 year-old like, ALL THE TIME. Hopefully they haven't reformed! Wheeee! The kid in the middle, who is probably 14 or 15 by now, was very innocent then. Knowing his older sibs, he's partying like a pro by now.


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