Friday, September 10, 2004

magic in motown

I'm having a bloody lovely time right now. Potentially because I am high all the time and reading and seeing people and having fun in spite of my bloody surgery, which was yesterday. A little more intrusive than a mere biopsy, as I had been rather lead to believe. I have stitches in the back of my mouth and feeling them is disgusting.

But I'm seeing people and having fun and doing cool things. I'm wearing a headband today. I'm going to make zuchini wild rice fritata and crazy lime/salmon/tomato/avacado creations. And possibly something else...I need to go fourth and get to the hippy grocery store.

After Passions, of course.

Of fucking course! Have you been watching that shit?! They're getting all fleet of foot with the incest storyline.

Yeah, I went there. I'm going to be in NYC in eleven days. I'll be in Paris is technically twelve, but it will appear to be eleven to the outer, be-timechanged world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo yo yo. i am a fairly heavy smoker. i wrote that public service announcement because i was reading a few assistant weblogs complaining about smoking, and i think its weird they want to live in france.
don't be too high too much, it drains personality!
unlike liquor. yeah, booze makes people really interesting. or something.

2:44 PM  

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