Sunday, September 05, 2004

It HAS been awhile. I'm swimming through the thick waters of overstimulation. It's been partypartyparty since leaving the folks' house. I got in on Thursday and fell nose-first onto a not insignificant amount of cocaine. Naturally, this happened at Charlie's, my favorite bar in Missoula, where I am always guaranteed to see the person I wasn't even remotely expecting to see. In this case, twas my crazy friend Will. Which brings me to the subject of if people I meet from Chicago are indictative of the mindset and overall badassery therein, I'm moving there. Like now-ish. After France, Austin and NYC. Of course.

I'm leaving for France in fifteen days. For those in need of further breaking-down, that's two weeks and one day.

I got new jeans today.

I'm having some kind of psycho oral biopsy on Thursday. While this should make my nervous, I am only concerned with medical afflictions I can diagnose myself with. Once actual doctors get involved (dentists, in this case), I put both more and less credence in their opinions. More, as in I take their suggestion to get it checked out seriously. Less, as in I don't trust the dentists that still plug flossing way above listerine because I seriously think they're probably being paid off by floss companies. I mean, fucking face it, people. Floss is a yucky way to get blood and guilt all over you. Very catholic.

It's Bumbershoot weekend, and I'm thrilled to not have to be in Seattle. Although being randomly present for IQU, Helio Sequence and the Unicorns would have been nice. But only if somehow arranged my a magic that allowed me to sidestep traffic, annoying people, my benefactress or the exchange of monies of any kind.

It's weird to only go home to other people's homes. But I might just be permastoned enough to ignore such minor pitfalls.


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