yup, still a dork
Well, I can kiss my free time goodbye! Two new obsessions have been recently born. Last night I started A Game of Thrones, by George R. R. Martin. I was complaining about needing something Jordan-esque in size, but luckily I don't have to go crawling back to that old hack! Seriously, I don't see how anyone can get through The Wheel of Time series. I was really into it for a while, and I probably will crawl back to it, but the characters are so fucking redundant, and he throws so many balls into the air that the law of averages catches up to him, leaving the reader wondering why they haven't read anything about Perrin in, say, nearly one tome.
Ahem. Anyway. Game of Thrones is absurdly good and I am revisiting my inner dork. Yay. Appropriate, since my inner hipster has fled, put off by the haute snobbery of the Stranger. Or maybe I just haven't been feeding it...oh well.
Also, there's this immense world of message boarders that are all in the same program as I. Largely, it seems to be pretty topically inane, but there have been some hilarious writings about prophylactics and sex and shit like that. I think the reason I was avoiding such a site was to try and sidestep the full realization of my entire life's upheaval. Not that I'm particularly attached to my life as things stand now. I think over the next few days, I'm going to sort through the hoardes of unnecessary shit strewn about my room and car, get to my complicated visa shit and hopefully come into a fuller sense of self, as if by magic.
Yes, quite.
hey...i hate the comments that blogger makes you use....i think you can upload comments from other sources that don;t require people to be members of blogger to comment...just my two cents.
thats for stopping by my blog. it used to be more interesting when i had a sit-in-front-of-a-computer-all-day job and could spend countles hours crafting individual posts. alas. maybe in france.
my partner and i are going to be teaching in grenoble ville. vive les alpes. or something...
An actual count has maybe revealed that George R.R. Martin uses the term "manhood" 83 times through the first three books in that series.
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