Friday, August 20, 2004


Dear NBC - I KNOW you didn't just pre-empt Conan O'Brien for the fucking OLYMPICS!!! You bastards. Love, me.

In a heartbreaking yet predictable gesture, the three shows I would gouge one of my eyes out to see are all happening shortly after I depart Seattle, all within a week of one another:

IQU CD release / Helio Sequence - September 3, Chop Suey (goddamnit).
Unicorns CD Release - September 4, Neumo's (MOTHERFUCK!).
The Decemberists with Deerhoof and a handful of other musically glorious groups, September 9, and I don't even care where because I'm weeping too hard to even look at the flier.


I saw Garden State on Wednesday. It makes me sad that a movie with such an incredible middle could have such a weak beginning and such a clunky, schmaltzy end. I tried to let the goodness of it conquer the weaknesses, and succeeded in loving it for a while. Some of this movie is hilarious, but it defeats itself. Plus, like this review says (, Zach Braff does appear to be the worst kisser in America. Maybe he was just nervous about locking lips with Natalie Portman. But somehow, I doubt it.

Went to dinner with the benefactress and my friend interning with the legitimate media, which was fun. Speaking of the legitimate media, however...I finally got a clip with The Stranger. Nothing thrilling, but it is one step towards me not having my fucking journalism degree withheld - available here:

It's on top, right where it belongs. Yay!

I'm nearly at the end of my rope, with the end of A Storm of Swords close in sight. I may need literary methadone even more desperately than when I finished One Hundred Years of Solitude. Such a staple has Mr. Martin been in my wildly depressed little life.

Today, I'm going to see Before Sunset (again) after work. I fucking love that movie, and wish I had DVD player suburb-side so I could have watched its gorgeous precursor again. But since I have seen Before Sunrise at least seven million times, I might actually be able to stay up to speed. Perhaps.

Last night, I had a really fucked up La Femme Nikita tinged dream. And I'm not talking about the film. I refer, of course, to the USA Network cult smash starring sexpot Peta Wilson. Rrrowr. And the hot, short, be-mulletted French-Canadian guy. God, he looked so good with short hair. WHY COULDN'T HE HAVE JUST KEPT HIS BLOODY SHORT HAIR?!?! I am referring to this dream only to unveil my secret love for this show and not to bore you with the details of my subconscious. Not that I even remember the dream enough to do so.

Okay, I should probably be actively searching for things to work on. And cease my blogging. But if in five minutes, you are greeted by a vision of me hunched over my computer, desperately reading one of the two million blogs I read, then you are probably psychic. Which, as my visit to Seattle's Museum of Mysteries revealed, I am not. At all. If possible, sub-psychic. But I totally wasn't trying during that bloody test anyway. And yes, it was just like that one part in Ghostbusters. Without the electroshocks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey: so, yesh, you do in fact send your passport. send it priority mail so you can track usually returns within like five days. two copies plus the original or your arrete and the lettre de presentation, a self-addressed stamped envelope, and two copies of the visa application and two photos. i believe that's it...
i <3 the unicorns...but i got over wishing decent bands would come to boise long ago.
-zach mediahype blog

12:46 PM  

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