Sunday, November 14, 2004


Hmmmm....this weekend feels alot like last weekend, re: being in Brest again and having the days punctuated by exorbitant alcohol consumption. Last night, howevs, I had a run-in with the bane of any drunk Brestois: yes, I was actually REFUSED SERVICE! I have often found myself laughng at people in this dilemma, not un-half-drunkenly. But given last night's inarguable drunkenness, twas a matter not for laughing. Luckily, I had the good sense NOT to argue with the barman, which surely would have lead tomy ass getting THROWN OUT, thus seperating me from the party lifeline that is my American cohorts in Brest.

It goes without saying I feel like I have emerged from a puddle of congealed excess this morning.

Other topical happenings: ummmmm, I gotmy shopping on. Bought some sweet knockoff Swiss watch for ten euro. Got a SWEET black sweater AND I finally am the proud owner of a fucking HOT pair of black pinstripe pants. And a hot new scarf, also black. H&M FINALLY came through for me this weekend.

Finally went out to a local gay bar, which actually didn't suck. Clearly, I'm going to be passing agood deal of time there (celibacy BE GONE!) so it's good to know, for example, you can buy a Pina Colada for under five euros. Oh, the gays.

Apart from that: I have not yet seen anything from the local short film fest, which was the legitimate reason for coming here this weekend. Oops!

Eagerly anticipating the dual arrivals of T-Day (in which all of my ability to cuisine will have to come to bear so I can impress furners with our swell holiday) and Xmas vacation, which is not as far away as originally thought. It creeps closer with every wasted hour...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know, you really should take better care of your is, after all, the only body you have.
actually, i am just bitter because i haven't been nicely wasted since i arrived in france, with one exception.
so is bretagne as breathtakingly beautiful as i understand? and do people in morlaix have a tendency to bite as the history of the town in my guidebook might suggest?
am annoyed because i want to travel, but cannot really justify it with the amount of money i have leftover after paying rent and bills. le sigh. i think berlin is the only thing in the cards perhaps in avril.


3:44 AM  

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