Friday, August 05, 2005

life is a seesaw

OK, so it seems that I have briefly extended my stay in Missoula until this Monday. For a variety of reasons. Only a slim majority of which are Six Feet Under-related. Believe me, if I could cry html tears, you would see them here, people. That's the kind of emotion we're talking about.

Also, let's-be-fucking-honest, I was in no rush to land back at my parents' house, especially with what my mom has had to report about my father (that he's pissed at my brother and I for not being a part of the uber-sucess-stories of most marketable college grads, who are apparently stealing all these swell jobs from poor ole pops).

Also, it's looking like a solid yet silent 'nyet' from the job I was really hoping for, which was naturally and thoughtlessly viewed as my only hope, therefore automatically condemning any chance I ever had at it. Oh well. Apparently I shall never actually learn the lesson of not putting all my fragile dreameggs in one cruelly barbed basket o'reality.

But, there is a definite highlight among all these pieces of bad news. I just wanted to log them in contrast to the swelling happiness when I think about the fact that I am GOING TO MOTHERFUCKING WHITE STRIPES AND SLEATER-KINNEY TOMORROW, BITHCES!!!

Okay, seriously, use of caps lock is never really called for. But if it were, it would have been a moment like that.

And I will even be back in time to make something for the RIP dinner before Six Feet Under, show of shows.

So, things are looking vaguely upward.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Scott,

this has nothing to do with your blog but i was looking on the assistantsinfrance website and saw that you did the vendanges a couple of years ago. I'm going to be an assistant next year but i would really like to do the vendanges in september. I was wondering where you did them and if you got room and board there? If you couls let me know via email, my address is sweens1214 at yahoo . com.


6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


like you so FUCKING need to post something already fer chrissakes.

have you found a job, or are you still in unemployment hell?

3:50 PM  

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