Wednesday, September 14, 2005

looking forward to the end

So, my update is that I start an elaborate and deviously cruel training period tomorrow at my second job. It's going to be seven weekdays of training from 6 am to 2:30 pm. Yeah, fucking AWESOME! Tomorrow and Friday are going to be hell because I'll be work twelve-ish hour days both of them. But I swore I would not be a workblogger, and this is all speculative anyway. Right. The second place is a scary beehive inside of an old shopping mall. There's like probably a million Dilbert cartoons floating around that fucking place.

Then, I have miraculously managed to not have to work on the restaurant on Saturday night, so I will be running off to Missoula to party my ass off for the Triple Virgo Birthday Madness at Travis and Minnie's.

Let's just say I will heartily look forward to the escape, I expect. And only thoughts of the greater escape shall sustain me. I think I should be able to get to Austin and buy myself little prezzies in the mean time, like an iPod or perhaps Twin Peaks on DVD. Little gifts like that should be able to prolong my shrivelling sanity until the great peacing-the-fuck-out of six or so weeks from now.

So I might take a brief bloggabatical until something wildly fascinating happens, for all of our sakes.


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