new job, getaway
Not that the second must be preceded by the first, but in this totally non-coincidental case, it did.
My first night was pretty awesome. I only waited on two tables, and the second one was AWESOME. I got to banter with a cool collection of older peeps INCLUDING a real, live Francaise! It was awesome to get the chance to speak French and showcase my dusty but unparalleled charm. However, all that work for a normal $20 tip? Though I suppose I should be thrilled that the French woman was not tipping, though there is indeed the possibility that she culturally overcompensates. Anyway, it was pretty awesome, especially since she dated a French prof at the U and wanted to hear any dirt I had.
Anyway, I made $50 and it was surprisingly chill. Being a waiter in training living at the parents' house beats unemployed depressed deadbeat living at the parents' house every time.
Then the next day it was off to Missoula, where I had hoped to see one of my euro-loves, Liana (who alas was not able to make it). We did get the chance to regress via telephone, and suddenly I was awash in a Berlinin haze of memories, like the purchase of my fave shoes, the true initiation of my now acclaimed/treasured digital camera, and the old chestnut known as sketchy drug dealer park. Ahh, memories.
Speaking of, I got to hang out with one of my very old friends from freshman year who had since disappeared and has now reconstituted in Missoula. It was pretty boys' night in, featuring a vast array of wine and Apples to Apples, which my parents actually non-coincidentally purchased and I have been regularly stealing ever since. If you don't know what I'm talking about, get thee to thine nearest game merchant and have at!
I said goodbye to my good friend and future roomie Jared, who should now be en route to Austin, where I hope to be seeing him in a mere SEVEN WEEKS. That's exactly how many days lie between me being here and the arrival of Halloween, my chosen arrival date. Holyshit, that's really close.
Which brings me to my second job, which I'm going in about tomorrow. Phone shit, helping people change their basic bank information. Apparently I will have a week of training before I have to take on that shit. Exciting, no? The only reason it fills me with a low, humming thrill is that I'll be that much closer to getting to Austin via this job, which will surely suck. But I've never really had a point in my life where I was working constantly. Because I don't count the college paper experience, because I was too permastoned to ever be particularly constructive and it was never really insisted on until after midnight anyway. This will be an interesting experience, one that will lead to me probably not having a day off until I leave, which is seriously fucking OK because a day of rest here is still basically hell, so I'll be in hell wherever I am.
See, that was almost a positive attitude moment. I have also already earmarked my next motivational treat, which will mothafucking be the first season of Twin Peaks on DVD. Don't I deserve it yet?!
Speaking of things I deserve, I picked up a freaky HOT pair of sunglasses, now featured in my profile pic here, complete with short hair and scary red beard. My friend said it made me look like I should be skiing through mountains of cocaine (europeanishly, of course).
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