Tuesday, December 20, 2005


It actually happened. An impossibly beautiful miracle has hijacked my meager hopes of Texan berfday and Xmas and scattered them to the four winds! I am now headed to New fucking ORLEANS for these two momentous occaisons, for their respective out of hand partyiong and family celebration.

Things are looking up.

I don't have a job, of course. Nonono.

But, I do have hope. And I am taking the mothafucking GRE on the fourth of January, and I fully intend to study my pale behind off.

Shortly after I recover from being partied and celebrated off.


Blogger Sara Habein said...

Happy Birthday in Advance!

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was confused by the posting of your last name! i thought, for a second, that it was a totally new and random person. or someone from google sent to goad me into signing the contract.

happy birthday? when's your birthday?
well happy fucking birthday to you as well! hope things are rosy right now in austin.

10:31 AM  

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