this is a start, i guess
Less than two weeks between entries? Surely, you jest!
This year's Thanksgiving was far less chemically destructive and far more enjoyable. So nice I did it twice! The beloved friendtor and I teamed up the the T-day itself and threw together a delicious, drunken dinner for ourselves and a couple other friends. We ate outside a little early and the light and temperature were almost perfect. An antiquey-looking candelabra brought the class with drippy white wax that looked just like magic tastes. Magical.
Two days later, the lovely V-Ron invited me and a handful of others to enjoy Thanksgiving's sequel and prepared an absolutely, epically tricked-out feast. I wouldn't even know where to begin complimenting what, but I assure you...I'm pissed that it had to end.
In even more exciting news, my beard is completely out of control. It is becoming a fro for my face. So I think I need to actually manage it. I probably wouldn't even want a beard if it were not my biological imperative (not merely to conduct facial hair, as almost all men and some women do, but to grow a full-ass beard) and a product of high-grade laziness.
Why am I fucking writing this? I couldn't tell you. It is rather unspeakably boring, no?
My birthday is three weeks from Friday. I am terrified. I am not ready to be grandfathered into adulthood. I have strictly barred myself from entrance for a reason! Turning 25 is not going to change that. It's just going to up my raging guilt levels about responsibility-aversion and waste-my-life-itis.
Though it is easy to let this occasion overshadow all else, I must remark on how nice it will be to be back in Montana. It has finally started to get a little gray and gloomy here, much to the glee of those of us who like actual seasons. But how oh how will I survive the Siberian wastes of Montucky in my weakened, southern state? HOW?
It will be an interesting challenge. At least at first, before I am crippled by cold and complaints.
Hopefully next time I come to blogging seminar, I will remember to bring my personality.
you should blog more often for fuck's sake. so, like, i have something to avoid the boredom of my own life.
thanks for the shout-out! i love seeing my name in print :) and, alas, all good things must come to an end (serendipitously enough, i actually mistyped "all food things" at first. ha!)
btw, we just did some near-simultaneous blogging (as in, the same night.) i am so proud of us!
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