Tuesday, March 29, 2005

life is a weekend

OK, this is going to be a rather vignette-ish entry. Because I am feeling the sweet buzz of brevity rightaboutnow.

Nantes was cool, many times over. Basically, we walked around in big circles a lot, often in search of a mythic Monoprix that escaped us in a very Brigadoon-esque fashion.

The Le Tigre show as hot, hot. My thoughts on Gravy Train are as follows: cool, weird, synthy, hilarious, stagey (slightly), do we really need to see that dude's little cock. Members of the band made a really kickass zine which my friend purchased and I eagerly devoured. Le Tigre: kick ass, perhaps scarily or irritatingly reliant on technology, bad-joke-tell-y (in a good way), dope. You can tell I'm not really a Le Tigre-head because I didn't know that the girl with the short hair was actually a girl. Whoops! Fun nonetheless.

I also managed to flirt heavily with two boys. Were either of these endeavors successful? No, but is that really the point?

Should that be the point?


I also went to a gay bar then a random gay club on Easter night. This was a sweet-ish experience, but there was a lame male stripper that we saw at both places. Thoughts on this: apparently male stripperdom in France is synonymous with prostituion, do we really need to see that dude's little cock, gay people are robots because everyone is watching this with their mouths hanging open.

I mean, obviously I like dick. But if you're going to be a male stripped you need to pack a little bit more heat than the average dude. But as with all matters gay, it's OK as long as you have a six-pack!

Right now I am slightly crabby but high, so it's ok. I'm going to go to Rennes this weekend for another grand adventure.

Also, I am obsessing about whether or not to cut my hair. But instead of making a decision, I'm going to go smoke a cig.


Blogger Sara Habein said...

There is an independent radio station here that has a "Queer Sounds" couple of hours every Thursday. While there is a lot of good music, I really wish the DJ would quit playing the same goddamn Le Tigre songs every week. I always seem to be in the car on Thursday afternoons, and every Thursday, I have to here her mumblemumblemumble (public speaking seems to not be her strong suit, nor variety, I guess) while she plays the same 6 Le Tigre songs. Now, I think Le Tigre is fine and all, but who hired her?

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my thoughts on gravy train were roughly the same as yours. but still lots of fun! i downloaded a couple of their songs to listen to them some more and i have to say it becomes quite addicting.
le tigre was excellent, and i am officially ashamed of you for not knowing JD is a woman. if you go to le tigre's website you can purchase jd's lesbian calendar with twelve pics of jd doing hot lesbo stuff like driving an RV, etc. LOVE!
okay. finito

3:20 AM  

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