updating is about to become normal again
So worry not, loyal and huge fanbase! Change is just 'round the ole corner. Today I am feeling alarmingly happy, even though I basically got up at 5:30 this morning because of the fucked up biological alarm clock that is my busted knee. Why, you may be asking yourself?
For starters, my favorite collegue - a hilarious, energetic woman that makes me realize that not all of the frogs are without passionate, imaginative, dynamic natures - saw me this morning and asked if I had anything ready.
'Sure, of course,' I said nonconvincingly.
'Are you sure?' she asked.
'Um, well, I'm just not very excited about it,' I explained.
'Oh! Well, you don't have to come this week if you don't want to. Rest, hang out, do whatever you want and we'll start again next week.'
This is why I like my school (though not specifically my students). It is so fucking CHILL that I have not once been reprimanded for my inconsistency or general laziness, in fact one could say it has been coddled as though such displays were part of my irrefutably magnetic charm!
So basically, I have two hours left in this week: one this afternoon and one tomorrow morning. That means I am done on Wednesday morning at 10 am. Huzzah! Although next week and the week after I pretty much have real, fullish schedules. But that's okay, because my work week is still one quarter the size of most working American dolts! Yay!
Here's the other hotsy totsy detail. The last two weeks in March are both three-day weekends for me, so I am going to Rennes and Toulouse, the former more certain than the latter because through five-ish degrees of separation I know a woman in Rennes who offered to host me. She seems quite charming and her husband runs an American school in Rennes, so I'm pretty much ALL about that shit. As far as Toulouse goes, we'll have to see, but I need to go SOMEWHERE to make up for the fact that my vacation was essentially a vaccuous waste of self-pity.
So on Thursday I am going to Brest again, but only after I try and finalize my social security and fill out my forms for reimbursement. I am just irrationally afraid of doing things like this, both for the adultness of such acts and also for the complete incomprehensibility/general illogic of all such French proceedings.
In other news, my hair continues to grow and grow and I am getting skinnier by the day.
Miracle of miracles! Mid-blogging, another of my colleagues comes up to me and informs me that my class tomorrow is also off, due to the fact that he will be doing a training session for come computer shit. One hour remains in my work week, and it's the group that I LOVE (because there should be one, at the very least).
Things are definitely looking up.
hey. the last two weeks of april i am headed to berlin, praha, and vienna. should be fantastic if all goes accordingly.
can you even walk?
my usual twelve hours this week has already been cut down to 8, thanks to the lyceen strike today. and it looks like three more will be cut as well. ahhh...the joys of a five hour work week.
i can't believe you totally missed out on a ahnce to see miss kittin. errgh!
i wish i had the energy to post another extended entry, but i think all of my so-called creative juices have flown out the window. primarily because i just finished writing a letter of interest for a very boring postion as assistant director of alumni and parent programs at amherst college. actually it may not be boring, but my letter of interest is.
i actually got kind of sick to my stomach and stared at the ceiling for thrit minutes last night, dreading going back to the US and having to work a 40 hour week. i don't know how to cope.
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