Monday, January 17, 2005

good times were rolled

Another weekend in Brest, which was inarguably kickass. One of the assistants was having a birthday party (though no one in that town really needs an excuse to party anymore) at The Dubliners, a local hotspot. It was also a 'dress to impress' party, which was really fun, especially since it has been quite some time since I bothered to dress to impress. I wore a sweet black shirt, black silk tie, black pinstripe pants and white sneaks and a white belt. It was hot, if slightly unoriginal (though I think if The Hives had not come along I still would have came up with this shit).

I finally got my Morlaisiens to come along, which definitely sweetened the evening. That, or my overly ambitious prefunking. It was also an odd moment in Brest social life - everyone was talking to everyone, whereas normally people are grouped by language and then by country. Perhaps the plan was to have everyone look so hot there would be no keeping them from one another.

Also, I watched the new Miyazaki film AGAIN because yes, it is that good. I was disappointed that I did not have significantly better comprehension of the events of the film, but then again, I followed the formula of getting high before the movie, so perhaps that was why my experience in comprehension was strikingly similar. I choose not to believe that hogwash. Weed is good for you!

Speaking of, I invented an amazing recipe last night, which is getting le testdrive tonight. I'll keep you informed.


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