Tuesday, March 08, 2005

more inconsistent, scattered updates

I started posting early into my weekend adventure in Brest, but way too much was going on in the meantime for me to finish. Going away vibrators had to be co-purchased, sangria had to be swilled, dancing had to perhaps ill-advisedly take place and there was, as ever, the oh-so-necessaire making fun of people that were way more drunk than me WAY TOO EARLY.

I would say, 'You know who you are!' but the yous in question are not really readers of my blog, I don't believe.

Friday was excellent, I couldn't believe how long it had been since I stayed out til six. Well, I guess not since New Years, which really isn't that long ago. However, the Amsterdam memories are slightly defunct in their recollectability, perhaps because I had to delete so many pictures because I kept on forgetting to go dump them out onto a CD so I could take more. Oops. Perhaps it was because I was constantly high for six days. Example: did I go to the Van Gogh museum? I think so. I doubt we could have let the chance pass us by. But...who's talking?

Ugh. I have been moody as shit lately, partly due to the fact that I started getting sick just before my big weekend and didn't really bother to not exacerbate it, ie, by avoiding alcohol, cigs, hashish or staying out all night. In fact, I gave a germy open-mouthed kiss to all these sundry little choices.

Which reminds me! I think I am about to stumble into my first friendship with a frog, who perhaps non-coincidentally may become my first consistent drug-giverer. Yay!

Oops, time to pretend I'm actually working.


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