Friday, April 15, 2005

last entry in france

This shall be my last missive from the beloved salle de profs at my lycee. And probably the last one I will have time to write in this country, if my prediction is accurate.

Yesterday, we had the fete for the assistants, which was a nice little affair. Lots of patisseries, but only orange juice, no social lubricant known as alcohol. It is the school, after all! Lord knows I've never been drunk or high on these premises, of course!

Anyway, it was a nice gathering, we got cute presents and took some of the profs out drinking with us. We all had to make a speech, which was only slightly traumatic.

With the anxiety of the recent speech-deliverers, Matt and I hit the town and the sauce with a vengance. It was perhaps the last sortie I will embark on in Morlaix, and thus weird and pre-nostalgic. It doesn't help that I'm in the middle of reading 100 Years of Solitude for the third time this year, and lord knows it makes a man nostalgic, if only because he uses the word about 10,000 times.

This computer is slow and I'm feeling a bit slow moi-mem, so I shall end this entry now. Today, it's off to Brest for the going away fete that will leave us all reeling. I'm super excited that my one French freind, Medhi is letting us throw the fete at his place! Yay!

Okay, that's all for now. Check you in the crazy ole USA, bloggybabes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so. today we went to settle up our gas bill. apparently, even though we have been paying our bill bi-monthly we still owed the gas company 535 euros. 177 for each of us (three who live here)
WHAT THE FUCK IN WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY. why can't they just send one single bill EACH month which includes ALL the charges for the last month???
i cannot stop the urge to vomit.

anyway have fun back in the US. i have NO idea why you are going back so early but whatever.

9:13 AM  

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