it wasn't really 'fun'
Today, I had the unique pleasure of getting ear-douched.
Yesterday afternoon, I woke up with a fucked-up blockage in my left ear. It was like my ear had been replaced with a seashell. It was, most vehemently, NOT COOL. But I figured it might have something to do with sleeping for fifteen hours, so I let it go.
Today: same story. This is not the first time this has happened, and apparently it is a new and exciting genetic curse, for my father and brother both have regularly run into problems with overly waxed ears.
So, I got to see this big nasty hunks of wax floating around in my eardouche thingywhobob. It was NOT COOL and believe me I'm doing you a favor by not drawing any visual comparisons.
Anyway, all is well now. I'm leaving France in nineteen days, which is FUCKED UP. I would not have just 'gone to the hospital' back in the States - I would have waited until the blood seeped from my eyes and my genitals sang out for mercy! But never if my ear felt weird. Goodbye, sweet actually effective health care system.
Also, side note: I realized that I forgot to racconte something. One of the guys I was flirting with this weekend told me that the gays here think of Scott as being a porn star name. I don't know how I feel about this.
Regardless, I am going to Rennes this weekend, and it will kick ass.
so, even though he thought your name was pornstar-esque you still didn't get any action? wtf.
i don't get it.
hope rennes was good fun.
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