Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Damn, have I been remiss in my bloggery or whaaaat?!

Finally took the GREs, got a good score, now attempting to feign interest in getting my shit together on grad school applications. Ack!

I have been getting downright creative about financial survival in recent days.

Two dollar poker buy-in. I beat the pants of five other people to make a glorious $10 profit.

Yesterday, significantly less glamorous, brought about a change-scrounging mission to buy Top tobacco to roll cigs.

Hopefully, employment is on the horizon - trying to be proactive and engaging in correspondance with people I am desperately applying to. Hope, hope.

Until then? Getting high before noon and wasting time by the fistful. Reading an incredible novel by Anthony Burgess called Earthly Powers, which is just epic and sweeping through the 20th century and amazingly well-written.

Tomorrow, I will have forty hot dollars in my hand that represent the last little bit of my viable finances. I've been feeling kind of scared and frustrated with the complete absence of purpose in my life and now I just want to get a fucking job so my time will actually become important to me again, since now all I have is fucking time to waste, waste, waste. It's getting a little out of hand, peeps. This tragically impoverished ten-months-of-brokeass-couchsurfing thing is losing its luster.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did you study for GRE. i take it in ten days, have not done much studying at all, and generally do very poorly on standardized tests...esp. maths which i haven't looked at in years.
please give me a magic formula!

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i did fine. in fact, i thought i was doing so poorly on the test (guessing at most of the math questions)that i was already figuring out how i could take it again before next wed (when my application to grad school is due) and then i got my score report and my eyes bugged out a lott bit because it was over one humdred points higher than any of the practice exams.

8:09 AM  

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