Friday, March 17, 2006

good thing my picture is green

Cause I'm wasted. Yup, you betcha. Happy drunkydays, my little babypoos. Um. What was the point of tis entry again?

Oh yeah. I went to some fsbuylous shows today. Spank Rock in the morning, millions of free drinks inbetween, Islands tonight. I saw the Unicorns when I was 21 with Josh and Jared in Denver (KURT too, obvs) so seeing them with at least Josh was sosrt of magicky - they had a bass clairnet, oboe, two violins.....gawds, if I had become an oboeo virtuoso and emigrated young to Canadia, I could be in Islands right fucking now.

Now, it's official. I'm blasted.

South by...oh my gawd, I tried to focus on my friend's face but my eyes kept spinningt.


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