OK, so I was actually going to wait until I could offer some substantiation on my newest job lead, which is admittedly sub-glamorous (Pier 1) but it's not nearly as sub-sub-glamorous as NEVER HAVING ANY FUCKING MONEY. So, hopefully things will go well with that. Not that discussing jobwoes and moneywoes is particularly interesting or relevant, but it is hard to get out of one's own headspace on one's own blog.
Other news: successfully tamed weird blue/purple/gray hair with cheap black dye, looks fantastic and normalish.
Basically, I'm bored, boring and it's about to get worse - I've been tagged! All the sweet nothings you've longed to know, yet feared to inquire upon.
Four jobs I’ve had:
1. Contract term paper writer
2. Publication designer
3. English assistant
4. Waiter
Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. Any of the Thin Man series
2. A Life Less Ordinary
3. Drop Dead Gorgeous
4. Deep Red Hatchet Murders (treasured low-budget Dario Argento crapterpiece)
Four places I’ve lived:
1. Paris
2. Missoula, MT
3. Seattle, WA (and a big fuck you to that place)
4. Morlaix, France
Four TV shows I love:
1. Six Feet Under
2. Daily Show
3. Buffy
4. Adult Swim
Four places I’ve vacationed:
1. Amsterdam
2. Edinburgh
3. New Orleans
4. Berlin
Four of my favorite dishes:
1. General Tso's chicken
2. Zuchini wild rice frittata
3. A good caesar salad is of great value to me
4. SOmething like a simple cheap pate/baguette sandwich, pulled from a backpack and munched down on the road to travelly adventure (especially if there's a bottle of wine clinking in there too).
Four sites I visit daily:
1. Gawker
2. Myspace (definitely developing into a compulsivity)
3. Email (obvious response)
4. Defamer
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. London
2. Bodega Bay, CA (some of the most beautiful Pacific coastline EVER, I think)
3. NYC
4. In the passionate embrace of an indulgent South American millionaire
Four bloggers I am tagging:
I refuse to put myself through the embarassment of tagging people, since no one fucking reads this blog!
I do! ;)
you'll be suprise.. who reads your blogs... :D
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