
This is what I look like in Berlin.
This is what my beautiful hostess looks like.
This is what I like to look at.
This is what my beautiful hostess looks like.
This is what I like to look at.
OKay, so recently it was made known to me that I can get unemlpoyment from the French government after six months of working there...and my contract is for seven months. My roomy is something of an international swindler, and I guess unemployment is like 600 € a month or something like that...
Okay, so, I made it to Berlin surprisingly free of total fawking meltdown. Surprising because it was four hours from Morlaix to Paris and then TWELVE hours from Paris to Berlin. Ouch! By an unknown miracle brought to you by the sweet baby jesus, I snagged about four hours of sleep and woke up right outside of Berlin. Last time I came, I instantly got lost, did not miraculously learn German instantly and my mean bus driver yelled and me. And yes, I called my mutha, fuckfaces. Twas no good.
Argh, I don't even know if I'm ready to talk about it yet. I got to actually SPEAK to Michael Chabon, to ask him a question that had been burning haplessly within...
Let's start with last night, shall we? In the spirit of eschewing chronology, let's first deal with how I got mysteriously hellbent on getting wasted. I decided to discard all good sense in this hollow quest, and thought it would be superneat if I drank six beers and a bottle of wine that I ended up drinking in about twenty or thirty minutes. Noooooooooo! But yes. I think my hostel roomie slept through my vomituitous fits. Such purple puke reminds me of secret pukings at chez Tabs and Nettie, back in the bloom of my youth. Ew. I should know better.
Fine, thanks. It's a huge relief for me to have something new to write about mere hours after having composed such an ode to ennui.
The assistants and I escaped smalltown life to hightail it to Brest, one of a handful of cityish escapes in Bretagne. We partied Friday night / Saturday morning away with other assistants we met at our orientation (which for the record, was a bust that would have been better off just being a mixer).
New best thing in the world: avocados with lemon juice and soy sauce. It tastes like sushi minus the rice and fish. Because, you know, sometimes there's avocado too. Of course. Did you know that the French word for avocado, avocat, is the same word as lawyer? Charming, non?