it all started so innocently...
Yeah, actually, don't be mislead by that subject. Or, do be mislead. Really, it's your choice. The innocent start is referring to my trip to Brest to do laundry, because of my utter brokeness. A one-way ticket from Brest to Morlaix is about one half to one third the price of what it would cost to do two loads of laundry at the fucking laverie. And I am always looking for an excuse to come hang with my Brestois.
This was a particularly hot endeavor, due to a variety of factors: their friend Marco from Rome came in on Wed night, I don't have class on Thursdays and everyone in this city left loads of cool shit out for the dumpsters, which we immediately scooped up. We went out to Chez Kim, a bizarre phenomenon of a local bar if there ever was one. The proprieteur, a ridiculously nice, all-smiles-all-the-time Viatnamese music lover serenades his patrons with woeful yet weirdly beautiful renditions of American classic rock songs. The Beatles, The Eagles, Led Zepplin. It was one of the most appropriately and accurately hyped bars I've ever had the good fortune to follow up on. Thursday was three hours of pool in one of my new fave Brest spots, where the peculiarity of the ambiance made every one of the American lads assembled there like they had stumbled into the gaping jaws of MADNESS.
At first, I was just enjoying the joys to be had and planning on returning Thursday night for my classes on Friday morning. Cue me having a flashback to this teacher telling me if I ever had a probably making it to class, just to let her know and that it would be fine. Either this was the product of hallucinatory wishful thinking or...well, I called her and texted her and didn't hear back, so I blew off my classes on Friday.
Then, my surrogate kid bro Morlaix Matt came down to enjoy the high life in Brest and the good times began to roll. First, we proceeded to an already over-crowded Chez Kim, squeezing about twenty assistants and assistant entourage types into a hilariously small space. Then, I went with my darling friend Imani to pick up a special present for our insatiable ids. We had an amazing chat en route to an afterhours bar that was outlandishly crowded and featured terrible French grunge-revival shite. Luckily, we piled out quickly enough to have an afterparty at this weird little French dude's flat and sat around for god knows how long, smoking five or six hash joints. Wheee! As if the hedonism weren't enough to bring the memories flooding in, the kid had designed a weird little American college style living room with Xmas lights and super-old furniture, with a couch that I will swear until my dying day that my brother has.
And then we dropped of to sleep at 7 am and may I just state it has been FAR too long since I've had such a brilliantly rad late night with so little complaint.
And today, Saturday of my wildly extended vacation, I'm not even able to drag myself away to go back for my Spanish roomie's birthday. For a handful of reasons. On Thursday night, I chilled at Andy and Imani's by my lonesome and wrote emails and arrived at this amazing moment where I finally decided something. My endless complaints about how being here is keeping me from everything that I want to be doing, about how if I can just get back to my own continent everything is going to be fine...and even if these are valid complaints, I need to put them aside and make the best of my time in France. Because I have crossed the halfway mark, and if I cannot make the best of this time and enjoy all the freedom I am being offered here, than I am not even close to the person I want to be.
Also, I kind of just don't feel like going. I'm having so much fun here, I've finally rounded this corner and I'm really fucking happy for the first time in a long time...and I think this isn't just a flash in the pan, not just the precursor to some kind of unexpected manic other-shoe-dropping.
Anyway. I'm letting myself do this, accepting that this is probably going to make me look like an asshole, but being ready to deal with that. Tonight, it's going to be more party madness and the night is thick with possibility. Yum.